
With Quality, Integrity,
and Expertise

Extensive Network

17 clinical sites, 700 thousand patients, 9,000+ trials, 15+ therapeutic areas. We have decades of experience delivering exceptional clinical trial results and quality data that help our partners advance the healthcare landscape.


Our clinical sites represent the best quality in clinical research. We deliver robust training, vigilant oversight, and transparency for every single trial we conduct, so that we can deliver results you trust.

The Right Patients

We’ve perfected every touchpoint when it comes to patient identification because we recognize patients as the key to a trial’s success. Our commitment to patient health, safety, and welfare is of utmost importance to our organization.

Efficient Operations

Our centralized processes mean that we can streamline clinical trials from beginning to end. Our meticulous processes have been perfected to meet your every need, allowing for accelerated study start-up and efficient delivery of results.

M3 Wake Research is a proven partner for all clinical trial needs. We’ve been delivering quality data, seamless operations, and exceptional patient care for over 30 years.

We offer centralized in-house patient recruitment and retention, coupled with centralized marketing and advertising services. These capabilities ensure that our site personnel are able to focus on our patients and complete the clinical research accurately and on time. As a result, we retain a large percentage of our patients for the duration of the trials.

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Clinic locations across 9 states
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Recruited Studies across dozens of indications
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Access to more than 700k patients