Advancing Medicine Takes Heart

text: Advancing Medicine Takes heart | Learn more about advancing women's healthcare in our blog | pictured: a female doctor smiles

Improving Options for Top Women’s Healthcare Issues

Women are unique and diverse both as individuals and as a whole. These are some of the driving forces behind the demand for better care solutions for conditions prevalent in women. The clinical trials we conduct here evaluate potential new options for some of the top health issues women face. Here are three areas featured in our enrolling studies and some information about them:

  • HPV– Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection. Most sexually active people are infected with HPV at some point in their life. There are over 200 different types of HPV. About 40 of them can infect your genital area — your vulva, vagina, cervix, rectum, anus, penis, scrotum, throat, and mouth. Most genital HPV infections go away on their own, but some high-risk kinds can lead to genital warts or certain types of cancer.
  • There’s no cure for HPV, but individuals living with HPV can help advance its options. To learn more about our enrolling HPV-positive studies, click here.
    text: Don't let HPV put a pause on your future plans | pictured: a smiling mom holds an infant
  • Abnormal Pap/Colposcopy– Annual pap smears are a proactive measure that screens for cervical cancer and other abnormal changes to the cervix. A colposcopy procedure can provide more information when a pap smear comes back abnormal. The procedure uses a magnifying device called a colposcope. It shines a light and enlarges the view of the cervix to closely examine abnormal cells which aren’t visible by the eyes alone.
    • If you have an abnormal pap smear test, explore our enrolling colposcopy studies today!
  • Birth Control– The options for birth control have grown a lot in recent years. With various methods (implant, IUD, shots, pills, etc.) available, finding a suitable one that fits your lifestyle is easier than ever. More potential new options are being evaluated in clinical trials. By participating in birth control research studies, you play a direct role in advancing contraceptive options. It is also an excellent opportunity to try different birth control methods.
    • To get more information about our birth control studies, click here for enrolling IUD studies and here for birth control pill studies.

To learn more about participating in research or our enrolling studies, visit our Enrolling Clinical Research Studies webpage or call us at (919) 781-2514 today!
