Kidney and Liver Disease Facts

According to the American Liver Foundation, approximately 25% of the United States population have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Understanding the facts about NASH and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) can help you determine the course of treatment options with your healthcare provider. Electing to join a clinical trial that explores innovative treatments for liver disease could lead to the next medical breakthrough that contributes to the reduction of chronic liver diseases for the general population. 

Review the facts about NASH and fatty liver disease and understand how they impact overall health, and work with your healthcare provider to determine the best course of action for your health. 

Kidney & Liver Disease Clinical Trials Contribute in Big Ways 

Understanding and managing NASH and fatty liver disease involves exploring a range of interventions, including lifestyle changes, medications, and potential clinical trials. Choosing the right approach for NASH or fatty liver disease management involves considering factors such as the stage of the liver disease, overall health, and individual preferences. Educating yourself about these options is essential for making informed decisions that align with your health goals and improve your quality of life. 

Why Participate in a Kidney or Liver Disease Trial 

By joining a trial, you gain access to the latest therapies and contribute to broader medical knowledge that can benefit others with similar conditions. Whether you’ve been recently diagnosed or are seeking new investigational therapies after other treatments have failed, understanding your options can significantly impact your health. Start by consulting healthcare professionals who specialize in kidney or liver health, and consider how participating in clinical trials might offer additional treatment options. Explore your options today and take an active role in managing NASH and fatty liver disease, as untreated NASH can lead to liver failure.