Your Local Healthcare Partner

M3 Wake Research Charleston is a distinguished site within the M3 Wake Research network, renowned for its commitment to excellence in conducting a wide range of clinical studies in the Southeast. 

Meet the Principal Investigator 

Board-certified and a Fellow with the American Academy of Family Physicians

Dr. Don Hurley is trained in the full complement of the specialty, including traditional care and innovative techniques. He is one of two Certified Physician Investigators in South Carolina, and rated one of the Best Physicians in the country three times. He was chosen to be the Primary Care Physician for the White House in Savannah, Georgia, at the GB conference, caring for thousands of international diplomats. Dr. Hurley chose Osteopathic Medicine because it is founded in the belief that the physician should treat the whole person rather than just the symptoms.  

Fourteen years of practicing in South Carolina and the Lowcountry 

Practicing Family Medicine in the Lowcountry has been a great fit for Dr. Fairfax’s passion for preventative medicine and primary care.

Meet principal investigator example.
Meet the team example.

Meet The Team

Vanessa Armetta 
Lead Clinical Research Coordinator 
7+ years of experience in the research industry 

Vanessa manages Phase I – IV studies in the areas of cardiovascular, endocrinology, women’s health, dermatology, and various vaccine and pharmaceutical clinical trials. 

The Wake Difference